`In Focus` – Learn 12 tips, tricks, licks and guitar lessons to become the ultimate guitar pro!
Good guitar technique is the holy grail of guitar playing. It allows you to do the cool things that wow an audience, that makes the hair stand up on the back of their necks and get genuine heartfelt compliments from your loved one listening in the next room.
As a minimum, good technique requires agile fingers, tight rhythm skills and good musicality. This is the least you need to play to a decent level.
To play the more impressive things you generally need a fair bit more.
Things such as the ability to:
- Vary strum patterns
- Play strum fills
- Use rhythmic syncopation (it`s actually easier done than said!)
- Create `fingerpicking ornamentation`
- Combine rhythm and lead
- and more…
Lessons on good technique are hard to find!
When you break it down, good guitar technique requires two things:
- Time
- Doing things correctly
Unfortunately, it is really hard to find the correct things to do on the guitar and time is something we all have a limited amount of.
There is a lot of knowledge out there but finding the good stuff and separating it from the bad takes more time.
You can search the internet and YouTube for hours looking for good stuff to learn and the answers to your technical problems, or you can use a tried and tested resource from one of the world`s most respected guitar authors – Dan Thorpe.
Here, we present to you the solution…
`In Focus` – Learn 12 tips, tricks, licks and guitar lessons to become the ultimate guitar pro!`
In Focus is a book that will help you fix issues, improve areas that need improving and add a new lease of life to your guitar playing.
I get so many emails from students all over the world telling me a version of the following….
- “I keep falling back to the same old strumming pattern.”
- “I want to be able to make boring strumming more interesting by adding the cool sounding `extra` notes on top”
- How do I improve my stretching and fretting hand dexterity?”
- “I want to learn how to play lead guitar not just on my electric but don`t know where to start and don`t want to learn lots of scales.”
- I love the style of Hendrix and those who combine rhythm and lead”
- “I want to make my strumming more exciting and stop using one strum pattern for a whole song. How?”
- “I really struggle to make music sound groovy. I think my rhythm is off!”
- “My rhythm skills suck and I struggle to get in the groove for blues. Why is that?”
- “I love the sound of harmony and want to try it out on guitar. Can you help?”
- “I have learnt lots of chords over the years but don`t know where or how I can use them other than being told i.e. chord charts.”
- “I love fingerpicking like James Taylor and Paul Simon and want to add those cool little hammer-ons and pull-offs they throw in. Sounds amazing!”
- “I want to learn the notes on the fretboard but it hurts my head and I have no idea what the best way to do is!”
- “Having fun!”
The above are all the things students have emailed me in the past regarding their guitar frustrations.
Does ANY of the above ring true for you? If so, well, I have you covered, as the `In Focus` book covers ALL of those frustrations and more.
In the book, I address the above in detail and give you a thorough and detailed lesson complete with audio, tab, and detailed notes on exactly how to improve those areas.
In this book, you will find 12 chapters that are 12 lessons on different subjects all with the aim of improving specific areas of your guitar playing.
Who is the book for?
It is mainly aimed at guitarists who enjoy fingerpicking and strumming their guitar and if you play acoustic guitar, that is most of you. Me personally, I find I get the most pleasure from doing both on the guitar.
This book will help you improve both of those skills and so much more.
Follow the advice in just one chapter and your playing will improve but follow the advice in all 12 and apply it to your general playing and you will find your guitar skills will massively improve on a larger scale.
These 12 guitar lessons are what I have invented or adapted from others over the years.
Whenever a student would get stuck on an issue – let`s say playing fancy chord embellishments that everyone oozes over (including me!), I would create a lesson for that student to help them get past that hurdle.
Then, when another student would hit the same hurdle (which would nearly always happen) I would bring out the same lesson again but naturally improve upon it from the last time.
Over time I would teach the same lesson again and again and keep tweaking it so that it fixed their issue and made complete sense to them.
I would do this while giving them something fun to play – and something they can add to their own daily playing.
My biggest and most in-depth book yet
This book is much bigger and much more in-depth than any of my other eBooks.
Each lesson is very detailed and this book is not for absolute beginners.
It is a book that will take any bored, frustrated or stuck player to the next level.
It is a very powerful book and to get it to that point took a lot of time and tweaking…
….but today I am glad I have done all that because now you get 12 of my very best and most personal lessons all packaged nicely in this lovely little eBook (in fact it is not little, it is massive!)
I want you to join me and learn from my vast knowledge, many years of teaching experience and my thousands of hours of playing.
I want you to learn my most fun and exciting lessons that will help you reach the next level of your playing.
That is what this book is all about.
Let`s enjoy!
Five Stars
“Not my first purchase from Dan and sure it won’t be the last. Clear instruction in a relaxed manner ideal for any guitar student. Can’t wait to get further into it. This guy has been a great help to me!”
Colin Newcombe
Five Stars
“Each chapter flows logically into the next with a good mix of easy to understand theory and practice exercises to reinforce the theory. The building blocks soon start to stack up and you get visible results. Can’t get enough of this author’s books – they’re great!”
Five Stars
“This is one of the best guides that I have read.”
Amazon Customer
100% Money-Back Guarantee!
This very in-depth eBook will absolutely, 100% positively change your guitar playing and if it doesn`t you have 90 days to get an instant, no questions asked refund.
You will get a 100 percent money-back guarantee if you don’t feel this product has improved your whole guitar playing and helped you on the road to mastering these areas of the guitar.
If you don’t enjoy big results within 90 days of using this product, I don’t deserve to keep your money.
Simply ask for a full, no questions asked refund and you will do so, immediately. There will be no hard feelings whatsoever and to show this you will get a complimentary 30 min Skype lesson (worth $30) with me.
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