Led Zeppelin
Babe, I`m Gonna Leave You
I have decided to break this tutorial up into two parts as if you try and learn all of this in one go it is easy to be overwhelmed and give up and that is the last thing we want.
In the first video we are focusing purely on the main theme of the song which is the intro/verse.
This is tough stuff but if you spend some good time on this you will get it for sure. The key thing is to start off slowly and be precise.
I have been wanting to film a tutorial on this one for some time but wanted to fine tune the details on it and ensure the tutorial is of the highest quality for you.
I`m a massive Led Zeppelin fan and they were one of the first bands I got into when I was 15. My uncle lent me the `Remasters` record and I taped it to cassette (It was 1999!)
I then listened to it over and over. Along with `The Battle of Evermore` and `Dazed and Confused` this was the song that I loved right away (although I loved them all pretty quickly).
It is a tough one to play for the fretting hand and less so for the picking hand.
The reason for this is the chords, changes and speed are a challenge and ensuring each chord is clear and precise is super important.
You still want to ensure your picking is rock solid, even and has a great tone. That is always essential. Make that picking tone bright, loud and keep practising it!
You definitely want to start off slowly with this one but once you do learn it you will have one of the most awesome fingerpicking rock songs ever in your repertoire of songs.