The Ultimate Guide To Barre Chords!
Mini Course
Below are just a few of the many useful lessons from the course…
The Ultimate Guide To Barre Chords
Email me at or go to Guitar Domination
For more info or if you have any questions.
Enjoy your free barre chord busting videos!
The Very Common But Quickly Fixable Barre Chord Mistakes
The Crooked Finger
Barre Finger Rules
Critical Rules For The Auxillary Fingers
The Weighted Arm Introduction
How To Use The Weighted Arm
Adding Pressure Exercise 1
The “Pressure With The Middle Finger” Diagrams
Below are all the steps as shown in the above video for the “Pressure With The Middle Finger” exercise.
Adding Pressure Exercise 3
The “Crooked Finger” Diagrams
Below are all the steps as shown in the above video for the “Crooked Finger” exercise.
The A Minor Shape
Chord Diagram
Below is the chord diagram for the A minor shape. Aim to perfect it at fret 7 and then try moving this exact shape up and down the higher and lower frets. As we go further into the course you will see how doing so will give you many more chords from this one shape.
Power Tips To Improve The A Minor Shape
How To Simplify The A Minor Chord
- The pink dot is a guide only. Do not place a finger there – it simply shows you where the root note is for the chord. It`s good to keep this in mind for later when we talk about the “Barre Chord Formula”.
Audio Challenge #1
Let`s try an example that uses the A minor barre chord shape which moves from the 7th fret to the 5th fret.
Embellishments… A Minor Shape
Audio Challenge #2
Our first example uses the A minor shape and is mostly picked with embellished hammer-ons and pull-offs throughout. Ensure each note is clear.
Example 1 – Using the A minor shape
Hi, it`s Dan Thorpe. I hope you enjoyed the mini-course on barre chords.
The above is just a taster of what the course is about.
In the full course, we go into so much more, including:
- Proper posture
- Fixing the barre chord mistakes quickly
- How to get proper finger independence
- Barre chord embellishments
- Changing barre chords
- The 9 Essential Barre Chord Exercises
- Barre chord theory
- …and much more – all taught in a step by step and easy to follow method!