The “5-Star” Award
Here are the answers for the 20 questions for the…
“1-Star” Quiz
What note is on fret 8 of the low E string?
Answer – C
What chord is this?
Answer – Am
Which of the following bars shows a quarter note rhythm?
Answer – Bar 1
For the I-IV-V chord progression in the key of C, what are the correct chords?
Answer – C F GĀ
Can you play any picking pattern over the chords of Am and Em to a good standard?
Answer – Hopefully a “yes” but if not, keep on going!
When playing a I-IV-V chord progression in the key of G, complete the sequence of chords…
G Major, C Major, and then ???
Answer – D Major
What note is located on fret 4 of the Low E string?
Answer – G#
Can you comfortably play this piece of music?
Answer – Hopefully a “yes” but if not, keep on going!
…Continuing from the previous question, what are the chord shapes being picked in the image above?
Answer – G and Em
On what fret is the note of F# on the low E string?
Answer – Fret 2Ā
Which of these two keys is the F Major chord part of? (C Major or G Major)
Answer – C Major
What does this # symbol mean?
Answer – Raise the sound of the note by one fret
What is the meaning of “MPR”?
Answer – Minimum Pressure Required
On the low E string, how many frets do you have to move up the fretboard to get to the note of B from the note of G?
Answer – 4
Can you play these notes comfortably while tapping your foot to the beat?
Answer – Hopefully a “yes” but if not, keep on going!
…Continuing from the previous question, in order as played, what are the four notes in the above four bars of music?
Answer – C B G FĀ
How many quarter notes are there in two bars of music played in 4/4 time?
Answer – 8
Can you play this piece of music to a comfortable standard?
Answer – Hopefully a “yes” but if not, keep on going!
…Continuing on from the previous question, what are the three different chords above?
Answer – G Am Em
Can you play one song or riff to a standard where you would be happy for others to hear it?
Answer – Hopefully a “yes” but if not, you will get there! Try one of these riffs HERE
Go back to the “1-Star” Quiz?
A great way to keep learning and pushing to reach for the Stars. Many Thanks Dan.
Cheers, Brian, and well done. Pleased to hear it š
I had fun with this. I will make progress if I put in the time and effort. Thank you, Dan.
Glad to hear it, yeah for sure you will. Keep up the great practice š
Keep them coming, Dan!
Will do, Susan. Next quiz coming very soon š