“Guitar Doctor” Coaching
As you may know, for joining the DTAA, you get the free bonus of the “Guitar Doctor”. This includes specific help from me when you need it! Here’s what you get…
- 1 X “ONBOARDING” CALL – Have questions or want specific help for your personal situation? We will get on a call for up to 30 minutes (via phone, Zoom, or Facetime). I’ll answer ALL your questions and you can tap into my vast wealth of teaching experience to solve any problem areas quickly.
- 1 X ‘GUITAR DOCTOR’ SESSION – Stuck with a technical issue, but don’t know how to fix it? Send me a quick video of you playing and I’ll tell you exactly what to fix. Often, it’s just a simple technical tweak. I’ve done this countless times with private students and one bit of specific advice can potentially save you weeks or even months of frustration.
- Want more in-depth guidance? I’ll create two tailored videos (5-10 minutes each) based on your specific requests to help you overcome obstacles and reach your goals faster. (Note: I won’t be teaching songs here, but I can and will help you with parts of songs you are learning if you send me the notation).
You can use this anytime in the future while you’re a member of the DTAA.
To get the above sorted:
- Simply email me at dan@guitardomination.net. (Please put “999” in the title so I know you are a member) and let me know which of the above you need right now (choosing all three is fine).
- The live call – The best days for me are Tuesdays between the hours of 3 PM and 6 PM UK time or a Saturday afternoon UK time. Please email for availability.
In terms of the support, when you email, please be as specific as you can – whether that is the live lesson/call, feedback session, or personalised plan.
P.S. You can “win” more free calls for getting the Gold prize in the Leaderboard. See HERE for more on the Leaderboard.
You can also buy more calls from me at a discount price. Email me if you would like to buy a call.
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