Cancelling your membership
Oh oh. This is the bit that most people make difficult but I want you to know that cancelling your membership should be a painless experience.
If you want to cancel your membership you can do so at ANY time, and there will be no hard feelings. I`ll always make it as easy and painless as possible to leave as I know how frustrating it is when companies make this awkward part hard.
If you want to cancel you can do so by following either of the instructions below…
Method 1)
Email me at any time, simply telling me you wish to leave the EGIC and I`ll handle the rest.
Simply email me at
…and I`ll sort the cancellation out for you and any refund that you are owed, but please let me know if you are owed a refund and I will sort that out at the time of cancellation.
Method 2)
If you prefer to cancel for yourself, you can do so on this link…